Walking with dinosaurs intro
Walking with dinosaurs intro

  • 4) Walking With Monsters: The opening theme, the Anomalocaris fight, the Cephalaspis migration, the Jaws-reminding Hyneria attack, the whole Early Permian Period, the relentless Dimetrodon and gorgonopsid attack, the sad Permian Extinction, and the march/river-crossing of Lystrosaurus.
  • And the opening theme of course, which rivals Big Al as the title of "the best".
  • 3) Walking With Beasts has many masterpieces as well: the attack of Basilosaurus to the Moeritherium, the entelodont battle, the Indricotherium theme, the Smilodon clash, the very evocative mammoth march, the majestic Australopithecus wandering in the plains after being chased from their old territory, and all the musics accompanying New Dawn.
  • walking with dinosaurs intro

    The funny young Allosaurus theme is also worth of mention. 2) Ballad Of Big Al: The Allosaurus hunt on the salt flats is probably the best musical piece in the whole Walking With series.just get the soundtrack, close your eyes, and let Benjamin Bartlett's music take you back to the Age of Dinosaurs.

    walking with dinosaurs intro walking with dinosaurs intro

  • 1) Walking With Dinosaurs: There are several, such as the opening theme, the heartbreaking Giant of the Skies, the epic Flight of the Ornithocheirus, the Diplodocus march, the Raptor chase, the Cruel Sea suite.
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    walking with dinosaurs intro

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    Walking with dinosaurs intro